IoT or the “Internet of Things”, has become part of our lexicon. It is all about connectivity -as our devices and appliances and all our “things” have learned to communicate. Most of these “things” are synchronized through sensors and machines. The IoT functions through cloud-based applications and interprets and transmits the data coming from a myriad of sources. The IoT allows us to turn up the thermostat in our home, while away; offers alternative routes when there is traffic congestion; or alerts us when our credit card is being used. It even understands when the filter on the refrigerator needs to be replaced and adds it to the grocery list application in your smart phone. It is so much fun – BUT – there is a serious side. Implanted medical devices that keep hearts beating correctly, or insulin at the proper level are part of the IoT, too.

Technology is growing so quickly it’s difficult to replace all the things that need to be changed to maintain security, so any of these applications can malfunction, or even be hacked. The most advanced medical and technical devices still need to work with old, legacy machines, like MRIs and X-rays and computers with older operating systems and outdated software. Give thought to how you use the Internet of Things, especially when it comes to things for your home and your loved ones.