It’s time to update. In 1988 an independent industry survey gave us some insight into what messages were worth back then. Today we live in a whole different world and we thought we’d ask YOU, what your messages are worth today?

Under $500.00
$500.00 to $5,000.00
$5,000.00 to $500,000.00
Over a million dollars

Let’s look at the kind of messages we take here at your service. A message for a physician could mean a $65.00 office visit, a $3,000.00 in-office procedure, a $12,000.00 surgery, or… a life. A message for a towing company could be a $350.00 tow, or a city contract worth well over a million dollars a year. A property management company may have messages about a rental of $1,600.00 per month, or a “smell of gas” call that prevents an explosion causing loss of life and property.

The message from a child who wants to say goodnight to Daddy, or from a young wife who has just gone into labor…anyone want to put a value on those messages? Whether a message is worth pennies or millions doesn’t change our service. Each week we answer thousands and thousands of calls on behalf of our customers. Each message is important and each one is given the care and attention it deserves.

How much are YOUR messages worth? What does our help mean to you?